Grand Prix
On the first ENVIRONTEC powered by ÖKOINDUSTRIA, HUNGEXPO Zrt. and the Hungarian Association of Environmental Enterprises announced a Grand Prize competition in the product / technology and service categories.
The winners were given special attention at the exhibition. The awards ceremony took place at the opening of the exhibition and the winning entries were also displayed at the companies’ own stands.
Product / technology category:
Oxyma Systems Kft.
Common and brand name of the product: IntrCooll – HydroBank – AZUD integrated eco-centric, 4-season climate control system, circular water management

Service category:
AGRIAPIPE Pipe Cleaning, Building and Servicing Ltd.
Name of the service: Renovation of buried utility lines without excavation

As part of the Audience Award, visitors of the exhibition could vote for the most informative exhibitor in terms of the environmental industry, environmental technology and sustainability.
Audience award:
MiReHe Nonprofit Kft.